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Docker Installation

We have pre-configured Docker image that can be run on your computer or cloud server.

Follow the steps bellow to get started.

If you notice any issues report it to InvoiceShelf/docker.

Step 1 : Install Docker

Install Docker on your host:

Step 2 : Clone repository

Open terminal and clone the repository by running:

git clone

Step 3 : Prepare docker-compose

Navigate to the cloned repository folder (docker) and copy one of the example files (docker-compose.{db}.yml) to docker-compose.yml

If you want to use MySQL, take docker-compose.mysql.yml and copy it to docker-compose.yml in the same folder.

This will make it possible to run docker compose up/down commands without specifying -f path/to/docker-compose.yml in the docker folder.

Step 4 : Finalize & Run docker-compose

Edit docker-compose.yml and adjust the configuration as per your needs.

And finally, open Terminal in the docker folder and spin up InvoiceShelf app:

$ docker compose up -d

Step 5 : Complete installation wizard

Open your web browser and go to your given domain and follow the installation wizard.

5.1. MySQL/PostgresSQL

For MySQL or PostgreSQL, you can use the following Database setup:

  • Database Host: invoiceshelf
  • Database Name: invoiceshelf
  • Database Username: invoiceshelf
  • Database Password: somepass

Important: The database password somepass is example and should be changed in the docker-compose.yml file before you run the project, especially if you expose it in public.

5.2. SQLite Database

Leave the database.sqlite path as is, otherwise it will NOT work correctly.