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Payments are basically entries for Payments that you receieved from your Customers. You can access the payments tab from the sidebar menu.

Add New Payment

You can add new payment entry by selecting a date, customer, invoice (optional) and amount.

Payment Fields:

  • Date: Date of the payment.
  • Payment Number: Unique Identification number for the Payment entry. Its automatically generated each time you create a new payment entry.
  • Customer: Your customer, from whom you received the payment.
  • Invoice(optional): Invoice towards which you received the payment.
  • Amount: Total Amount of the payment.
  • Payment Mode(optional): Mode of payment (Cash, Check, Credit Card or Bank Transfer )
  • Notes(optional): Extra details about the payment.

New Payment Page

List Payments

All created Payment entries are shown on the Payments page and you can easily edit or delete them as well. You can also use filters to quickly search for a particular payment entry by its selected customer, number & mode.

Payments Page